Not unlike wine tasting, olive oil tasting deserves some attention to ensure you are consuming the finest quality oil. So, take your favorite brands of olive oil and...
- First, pour a tablespoon or two of extra virgin olive oil into a small glass.
- Cup the glass in your hands and swirl the oil gently to release aromas. As you swirl, you should be sure to allow the oil to warm in the process.
- Now it is time to breathe in the aromas. Stick your nose in the glass and inhale deeply.
- Then slurp the oil to bring in air while tasting the oil.
- Now swallow the oil and taste it as it slowly goes down the back of your throat.
- Ahh, pause to breathe in the full flavor from start to finish. And, assess. How did it taste? Was it peppery, earthy, etc.? It should taste clean and fresh.
- Cleanse your palate with a lovely bread—we prefer bread from Blue Grouse Bread in Norwood, Colorado.
- Start again on the next round... and let us know what you find is best for you!